Royals New Year's Resolutions
There's nothing like a holiday to inspire something to write about the Royals.
I want to start today by saying that I hope everyone’s winter holiday of choice has been outstanding and that the new year brings you everything you want and more. Even though I know I don’t need to say this, I do want to say I’m sorry for the lack of newsletters over the last week or so. It’s been quiet in the baseball world, and when you combine that with the holidays (and daycare being closed), it’s led to me being a lot quieter on here than I really ever have been since this thing got started. This week may continue to be somewhat quiet, but I’ll get back in a rhythm for you all because you deserve it.
Okay, now on to the good stuff. Well, maybe not the good stuff because I’m taking the easy way out and capitalizing on the calendar. Today, I will write about a handful of resolutions for some of the most important players on this team. It’s always fun to look at areas where players can get a little bit better whether they’re arguably the best in baseball or guys who might be looking at their last chance before they become a “remember that guy?” candidate in a few years. The Royals have both those categories and just about everyone in between.