It's interesting that Daniel Lynch is likely headed to the minors. His performance on the mound hasn't been very good.

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Yeah, he's certainly shown flashes but it's hard to even assume he can be a reliever without a little more refinement. I think he's in AAA to keep stretched out because he's probably the sixth starter at this point, which is a nice change from him being the third or fourth starter.

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I will continue waiting for that trade that makes this thing fit better. I will manifest it, just being patient. On the relievers……..Need JJ to use this last year as a learning opportunity. The revamping of this bullpen with legit options is nice…don’t get me wrong…..but not overly difficult and can be done every offseason if made a priority. I would even go out on a limb and say there will be someone who they can sign for 1 year / 3 mil again later this offseason that would shore up even more. Sound familiar? Lol. All that to say. If your team stinks…..please just move relievers at the deadline if market is there (Hernandez, Clarke). And maybe the market wasn’t there…that’s fine…but you don’t sit and wait on relievers. It’s water under the bridge now. But bullpens can very much be remade each offseason for really…not all that much. What did they spend on this revamping….12ish million and I still they they can find a bargain piece.

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I think they would have traded Clarke if they could have, but he was pitching so poorly for a month plus by the deadline that they weren't getting anything for it. And I think they were justified in waiting because they got a pretty decent return for what he is a few weeks ago. I still see a fit for Stanek in this bullpen even with all the other options, though I do wonder if they see the minor league deals and think they can find at least one out of those to work out as well or better as Stanek likely would. Plus, I have no idea if Stanek even wants to pitch at home. Some guys don't for a number of reasons.

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Yeah, I’d love Stanek. Give me all the legit MLB arms we can get. If you can get him and he will come here…..I think you add him and then still bank on one of the minor league deals working out. Just build that depth. And like we’ve said, you can trade some of these guys at the deadline if 10 games under or something. It’s really not a whole lot of risk. They won’t all work out…but the more legit caliber arms you have, more will work out than have been. I’d take a career 3.5 era arm all day long. Sign him!

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There was a ton of smoke around him and KC a few weeks ago and then they went nuts for that week and I haven't heard anything at all about him with any team since. Sounds like that market is going to heat up again before spring training starts, so we'll see.

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You heard anything on Eric Lauer? He’s still a guy I look at and think “yeah, find a way to get him in.” It couldn’t be that much, 1/5 mil? I mean, he has talent and its not out of this realm to think the Royals could unlock some of it.

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I'll say no, but I also haven't even brought him up in like six weeks and he's not someone that people share a lot of info on because he's so minor. I'd bet it's even less than that, though, but you know I love the idea.

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Well, maybe they will yet. But man, if it’s less than 1/$5…..maybe it’s just 1/$4m….I can find some guys to cut yet off this roster. 500 innings of a career 4.3 era…..maybe you don’t quite get that…but I could totally see him being the next Yarbrough in 24.

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Good summary to kick off 2024. With you on Andruw Jones, incredible defensive player. I think he gets knocked because, as good as he was, he never quite hit the ultra stratospheric levels everyone had him pegged for when he came up. But he was among the reasons that Atlanta staff was so good in the 90s - they could pitch, for sure, but he cleaned up mistakes as well as just about any center fielder ever.

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He had that one monster year with 51 homers and then some other big ones, but yeah, it felt like he just didn't consistently do it with the bat. But man, that glove. You're dead on that he was a big part of how good those pitching staffs were.

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Great article - enjoyed your HOF segment.... Even as a die hard Royals fan, Todd Helton was my favorite player growing up by a long shot. Really hope he gets in this year

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Helton was a whole lot of fun to watch hit. He'd have been great in any park, but Coors certainy didn't hurt him!

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Growing up, I remember two players who just made baseball look easy. One was Ken Griffey Jr. The other was Carlos Beltran. If the latter doesn't get in someday, what are we even doing?

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I'm sure you remember all the pearl clutching about how he wasn't hustling when he was young. It was only because he was so damn smooth, it didn't look like he was busting it. Dude was an incredible player.

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I think the Dan Wilson home run robbery perfectly encapsulated what you're talking about. https://www.mlb.com/video/beltran-robs-wilson-of-a-home-run

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That was maybe my favorite night at Kauffman Stadium until the Justin Maxwell walkoff grand slam in 2013.

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Happy New Year to you, late, but the thought is still there. Can identify with what day is it, when you're retired there are six Saturdays and one Sunday in the week!! Keep up the good work!! Go Blue!!!

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Haha I definitely felt like every day was Saturday for a couple weeks. It was incredible!

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Cant say how much I appreciate you highlighting the FO hires! Its hard to find any info on them, harder still any insight or analysis. So thank you! Its very exciting to see them add to the FO, especially in areas they've really struggled with, and with perspectives outside the Org. Maybe Ricardo is an early dividend from these changes. I'm with you on them not being done, as I still don't see this roster fitting together particularly well. Hopefully we get something soon, but I could see JJ letting the market settle a bit more before any more moves are made. Happy 2024!

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The guys on the field matter more in the short term, but these moves are so important to the long-term health of the organization. I'm glad they're making them! I wonder if there'll be some moves during the spring given how long the market has taken to develop.

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For sure! In my mind, these moves are the ones that Could allow us to be consistently competitive. Also, just catching up to modern processes and off-field spending is refreshing. That wouldn't surprise me at all given the sluggish pace..

Also wanted to ask your thoughts on the infield. Given they're looking for a LH infielder, do you think Massey is AAA/traded or short leashed? He has no versatility, but was good defensively, flashed a little offensive potential, but overall wasn't good enough..The outfield is more incomplete and confusing, but JJ specifically saying LH infielder has me intrigued. To this point he's been pretty transparent..

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I've heard him say infielders, outfielders and a guy who can play all over. So it's hard to know exactly what they're looking for here. They really like and believe in Massey, but I also think that he can't afford another April like last season.

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Jan 6Liked by David Lesky

That would make more sense if they're maybe just looking for another more reliable bat. I'm glad to hear that. Its always seemed like they like Massey, but hard to know. Can't help but like him, but I definitely want to see him be more consistent and improve his approach, and am hoping he's a guy Dillon could really help (Along with MJ if he's still a Royal).

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Happy New Year Lesky and all the ITC faithful. Great, great, great point about the bullpen and totally love what Kellen was saying in the comments about how you can buy one on the cheap each year. And I'd love to see Stanek too - so let's get that done.

Not even a tease on the trade talk? You're hearing nothing? C'mon Lesky, leak the faucet a little bit and the pipes don't freeze this time of year. Probably showing my age there - when it used to snow in KC!.

Also, I'm sure it's some obscure little point but how does Bowlan (dreaming of the visions I had of the big boy being a generational closer for us) have one more year of control than Lynch?

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Honestly, I'm not hearing much of anything on anything. I haven't asked many people just because of the time of year, but nobody is volunteering anything to me right now either. I'm sure we'll get back talking here in the next few days, though.

So the options thing is unrelated to control. Every player gets three option years once they're added to the 40-man roster. Bowlan was added prior to the 2022 season, so he had to be optioned to the minors in both 2022 and 2023, which means he's used two of his three. Lynch has only been sent down in one season since joining the 40-man, so he has two left. There are instances where a player is granted a fourth option year because of injury and I actually think Bowlan could get that since he was coming back from TJ in 2022, but that wouldn't be determined until a team might need an additional option for a player.

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