Think I'd like to see Eaton and Taylor stick around. Probably Snider too? I won't bat an eye though if none of them do. These are fringe players on a bad team. Those are the guys you lose when you add better players, which we should do!

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I think Eaton actually could have a role on a good team, but yeah, I mean if they go they go. If they don't, they don't.

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Hearing the Royals jumping the market is interesting to me. I tend to think that’s a reliever to be honest with you. Could be outfielder, but I just don’t see it for starting pitcher. Nola priced himself out of the Royals ballpark, have a hard time seeing the Gray coming to KC at this stage in his career. IDK, don’t think that’s jumping the gun on starting pitcher but would be happy to be wrong. I can see them overpaying for two years of a reliever though. I have a hard, hard, time seeing the royals getting starting pitching that is going to help yet in the FA market.

Side note, do the Rangers care they traded Ragans for Chapman? I don’t think so at this point. Interesting case is all for it working out for both sides.

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I do tend to think that it would be a reliever as well, but i would quibble a bit with anybody being out of the Royals market other than Ohtani. They'd have to overpay no matter what and if they are serious about getting someone who can fit at the top of the rotation, they can't limit themselves to their typical market. And I've also heard from many that Gray LOVES Kansas City. What does that mean? Not nothing, but not much more, but it's better than him hating KC.

And yeah, that's an interesting question on Chapman. Do they care? I would say they would absolutely rather have Ragans than Chapman overall, but I also don't think they're sitting back and regretting the move, at least not right now. Chapman hasn't been as impactful as Ben Zobrist was for the Royals, but I have never once cared that they didn't have Sean Manaea in any subsequent season. Others have for sure, but I think it's probably the same idea.

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Hmm, very interesting on Gray. I’d love to have him here. I know he is injured quite a bit. But they guy can pitch when healthy. I know he hates how quickly he was pulled last year. Maybe the royals can entice him with the Lyles treatment……

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He was upset with the way he was used last year, but I think they sort of fixed that and I'd honestly be at least a little surprised if he doesn't stay with the Twins. But hey, you never know.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by David Lesky

Flags fly forever...and chapman gives them a shot at one.... trading young guys hurt..but when u win it, all is forgotten...see 2015.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by David Lesky

I grew up in the Kansas City area (Emporia, Kansas) and have lived in Tucson for the past 40 years! I was an original Diamondbacks season ticket holder but the drive to the ballpark for weekday games and getting home at 1 am was too much! Anyway, I was just hoping for a winning season this year and am thrilled they are in the World Series! I think they can play with the Rangers because their bullpen is hot and they were the best defensive team in baseball this year! Two years ago they lost over 100 games and their season this year shows how fast a team can be turned around! That is some hope for Royals fans! GO DIAMONDBACKS!!!

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by David Lesky

Fun and interesting read. Keep up your good work, David.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by David Lesky

I read that Lynch pitched well the other day in the AFL and is healthy.... the Royals will improve mostly via free agency and from within....although one of those astute trades you alluded to would be nice. ...like what the jays gave up for Dalton Varsho...

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This would be so refreshing if it actually happens..Fascinated to see how they manage the roster and who they move on from. The long list of players that could easily be dropped is really telling of why this team was so bad. Have you heard anything more about potential development hires?

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Nothing new, but I’m guessing there’ll be quite a few additions. We may not even hear about all of them until the season starts. I think about some of the additions from before 2023 being people I’d never heard of before. The biggest impacts can absolutely be people who don’t even register at the moment.

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Absolutely. Hopefully there's a good number of hires. Thankfully I have much more confidence in them hiring the right people and putting them in positions to succeed. Hoping to see someone under/beside Saylor. I think he's great, but seems like he could use some more help. But I'm sure we need help all over and they've obviously determined they needed a new scouting voice. I would have loved to see some of these things done last offseason as well. But I love the major league staff and everyone they've brought on. May be a bit slower than I'd like, but so far they seem much more self aware with much better process. Do you think more of these hires could have happened last year? Or did JJ want a full season with the major league staff to make more definitive judgments? In my opinion, the development/scouting changes are long overdue. I know they've added Gibson, Saylor, etc. But I cant help but be a little worried about the pace of this rebuild. Definitely a critical offseason. Sorry for rambling, appreciate all the great content!

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Yeah, I don't know how many they'll hire, but it won't look the same. I was kind of hoping they'd bring in a new voice at the big league level and get Zumwalt back in the minors, but I think they're going to add to his staff at the top, which'll help quite a bit.

As for getting guys in last year, I think they were super focused on the big league staff for one, but yeah, I do also think they wanted to see how it all played out for them. This isn't a terribly popular opinion right now, but I'm with you that I think they're headed in the right direction. Just need to see a little more speed! But once it starts, it can move really fast.

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Interesting. I was definitely of the opinion Zumwalt would get moved back to the minors mid season. Maybe the last 2 months was enough or maybe they've decided it's a talent issue. I do think that's what I'd prefer still, simply because i think he adds more value to the minor league side, and I'd love to see an experienced MLB hitting coach on the staff. I really like all of Zumwalts interviews, he seems well respected as well. But I maybe question a bit how he is as a true swing mechanics coach. I love his philosophy and approach to hitting, but I wonder a bit about how much he can truly help guys adjust and progress with their swing. But that may be completely unfair. Its also kind of nice to hear you're of the same opinion when it comes to the direction of the team. May be unpopular, but after so many years of awful, its difficult to step back and make an unbiased, unemotional assessment. Hopefully things shift gears soon and we have some things to talk about soon!

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