May 31, 2022Liked by David Lesky

Well said, I hope this sentiment grows until they can't ignore it anymore. Even my truly die hard parents who don't miss a game are fed up and say its hard to watch.

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Same with mine!

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May 31, 2022Liked by David Lesky

Givem hell David..... 100%. The organization is at risk of driving off whatever good sentiment came from 14 and 15 permanently. Thank God for the Pirates, or the Royals would be the worst org in MLB for the last 30 years. Its maddening to watch Santana and OHearn get ABs every day. The only fun to be had watching this horrible product is the kids. With the relative success of Junior, MJ and Rivera, we are way past valid excuses for not bringing up Pasquantino at a minimum. Everyone has to be held accountable.... from the players to the front office.

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I'm honestly not sure if the Pirates are a worse organization. I guess over the last 30 years probably, but still the fact that it's close is a problem.

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I literally yelled at the TV when Santana came up with the bases loaded.

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May 31, 2022Liked by David Lesky

Thanks for writing what I was thinking. Only way Sherman is really going to get the message is to stop going to the ballpark.

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Have you seen the attendance this year? I think it's already started!

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I'm sure I wasn't the only one who noticed all the cheering when the Twins were in town. If we have to rely on the fanbases of visiting teams, we're gonna have a tough time.

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Yeah, I mean the Twins fans come down anyway, but it was extra embarrassing during that Cardinals/Yankees homestand.

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May 31, 2022Liked by David Lesky

We all are. I was with my family watching the tail end of the game last night. Our interest peaked when the Royals tied the game. From that time on the group began predicting the outcome of the game. With over 30 comments back and forth, NONE OF US predicted a win. Right before the pitch that put Cleveland up by three, I turned to the others and laughingly said "game over 3 run homer". Then came the pitch. The room went silent and we turned off the TV.

This is the legacy of the current Royals. All of us fans are done with this!

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When they didn't score after they tied it, we all knew it was over. Obviously this is a bigger issue than one game, but that one game was them continuing to make the same mistake on the field and kind of highlighted all of the issues.

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The most telling comment for the night was from one of my nephews. "Hey, lets all go out to see a game so my brother in law can insult them all night long!" "No one will be out there and they will hear every word."

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He's not wrong. The next homestand will be VERY telling in terms of attendance. School is out. Weather is good (don't look out the window now). No more excuses.

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May 31, 2022Liked by David Lesky

I attended last night's game and the Royals certainly had a chance to win it, but the manager put in a couple of relievers who had little or no time in the major leagues. Between them they gave up 4 runs and the game was over. Does management have an excuse for this incompetence as well? The fans and the players deserve better management and coaching. Getting rid of the hitting coach has proven beneficial, and now it is high time to finish housecleaning.

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I was going to ask why are they letting Ramirez beat them….not ONCE but TWICE with an open base if they are trying to win? It’s just very clear they don’t know what they are doing. Manager through front office. I actually don’t mind Picollo…..but he’s in a tough spot. He’s got a title but I don’t fully believe he actually pulls any strings. DM has to go. You keep Picollo…fine. It’s to the point I’m actively rooting against the Royals just so they will clean house. That’s pretty bad.

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Yeah, I mean I don't really have any issue with JJ, but he and Dayton have been together for so long that I have a fear if you keep one and not the other, nothing would change. But maybe that's not fair given how he was kind of the point person to update the offensive development.

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I agree David. To use a nearby example, when the teams in the AFC West began upgrading their talent, it was initially worrisome. Would the Chiefs be able to maintain their strangle hold on the division? Then I thought "Wait a minute, the Chiefs have the best coach and GM in the division, they will be able to keep up with or ahead of the rest of the division. With the Royals, we all realize they have one of the very worst front offices in all of baseball, and certainly the worst in the AL. Sherman invested a ton of money to buy the Royals, why would he want people with a long and proven history of incompetence running the team? Why does he seem to be asleep at the wheel? Why did he promote a GM who has 3 winning seasons out of the 16 he has been on the job? Sherman is allowing the problem and only he can fix it.

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It definitely starts at the top. I kind of feel for him because 2020 was basically impossible to evaluate and then last year, the offense in the minors took off and they were in the first full season for some pitching prospects and saw debuts of other. Success was varying, but I think it would have been hard for him to see the changes and make a move after last year. I'm not sure why the promotions were necessary. I get that they wanted to make sure they weren't going to lose JJ, but he's interviewed a few times before and not gotten the jobs, so I don't know how big of a risk that was. But regardless, this can't continue the way it's gone.

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May 31, 2022Liked by David Lesky

I agree. Everyone was rightfully given a pass for 2020 and last year things showed some promise to coming together, so I completely understand staying the course through the off season. Now, however, Dayton and JJ are showing their true colors. Namely, undue loyalty to veterans way past their prime and unwavering loyalty to bad coaches like Cal Eldred. Vinnie has done way more than they could have expected and has earned a promotion. It's almost like not hurting the feelings of Santana or O'hearn are what is keeping him from a chance. Dayton's handling of the club, the spike in prices and the blocking of exciting young stars by over the hill vets has completely alienated the fan base. Attendance is going to be ugly till this changes. Thanks for your response. I follow the Royals from afar-Virginia Beach, VA. Lived there from 1973 till 1990, so became a fan for life.

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I have to admit that I just don’t know enough about JJ Picollo to determine how culpable he is. I have gotten generally positive impressions of him from what comments I have seen, so I’d be inclined to not get rid of him pending more exposure without Moore and crew to deal with.

But I am completely sympathetic to everything else you said, Sir. This has gone on WAY too long, and while I am not giving up on being a Royals fan, it’s quite clear that it’s time to make some drastic changes. If the actual plan is to alienate so much of the fan base that Sherman has an excuse to move the team when the stadium lease expires, it seems to be working.

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To be honest, I have too. It maybe wasn't completely fair to include him, but also he's been a part of all of this since basically the beginning, so I really don't know, I guess. He was the point person on the new hitting development and maybe he'd be very different than Dayton if Dayton's shadow wasn't cast over him.

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I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that the broadcast crew has 1) become a mouthpiece for the front office and 2) continues to act like baseball is still in the 90s. I would create a drinking game centered around how many times Rex mentions putting the ball in play, bunting, or pitching to contact, but I'd probably end up in the ER by the 3rd inning.

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Oh there's no "becoming" about it. They've been a mouthpiece for a long time. I wouldn't especially care what they say if I didn't think a lot of it was talking points they'd heard in meetings.

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All of which would be fine if we could actually do it.

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May 31, 2022Liked by David Lesky

I'm pissed at myself for wasting the money on 2 months of DirecTV Stream to watch this shit show. I'm done until real changes are made.

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I agree, David. I covered the Royals frequently for UPI in the early 80s and felt the managers and front office were surprisingly open and en point with sportswriters, particularly Dick Howser. But writers had the advantage of entering the lockerrooms post-games, and Howser went out of his way to be available to talk about the game and strategies long into the evening. Covid protocols have cut into that face-to-face and direct openness. Bland news conferences lead to platitudes and talking points. But I'm with you. Clear the decks.

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This particular front office has always kept many at arm's length, but I also think that's sort of the norm now. I wish I could say that actions speak louder than words, but their words and actions are working in tandem now and neither is good enough.

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Bases loaded with a chance to seize control of the game. Up to the plate is Santana. Pretty sure Vinnie would've gotten a better result.

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Well he couldn't have gotten a worse result.

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Though I was moderaty surprised they didn't pull Santana and out in O'Hearn. Not that OHearn would've done anything.

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What they did with Whit Merrifield in 2015 is emblematic. They were not able to see that they had a second baseman/right fielder in the organization and wasted his time and organizational resources (Manea) to fill a void that only existed because of their blindness. The problem is they are too caught up in measurable athletic tools and do not value "players." They did not respect Whit because he was not rated highly when he was drafted. That's their problem with Pasquantino. He's tainted by being an 11th round pick. They have not learned. You can argue that Pratto is young and needs a little more time. (Though I don't agree.) But you cannot make a reasonable argument about Pasquantino. I cannot bear to watch Santana waste another single at bat. With the game tied yesterday and the bases full of Royals, what did he do? Exactly what we all knew he would do. I'm not going to watch again until they bring up Pasquantino.

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I'd argue that I doubt Whit would have even been close to the player Zobrist was. Even after he came up in 2016, he had a solid average, but didn't get on base that much and didn't hit for much power. But even so, going with Mondesi over him to start 2017 was obviously a mistake.

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May 31, 2022Liked by David Lesky

Since they are so interested in making money, they had better bring the young guys up or attendance will decline dramatically.

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So I’m assuming Vinnie comes up in a week and Pratto in a couple more and they use that as a chance to save face. But when you want to burn the boat, you can’t go back. I’m with you, but if the best thing moving forward is removing JJ and Dayton, do we actually want to see Pratto, Vinnie, or anyone who gives us hope? I think strategically of you want the fans up in arms then you don’t want them up until they’re fired.

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It's a tough spot to be rooting for bad when bad doesn't guarantee good follows. So that's a tough question to answer, but that doesn't mean it's not a good question.

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May 31, 2022Liked by David Lesky

They definitely need to clean house at the top!

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