Definitely something is not right with Singer. He needs to be completely evaluated from a health standpoint and put on a weightlifting regimen over the winter to build his strength and endurance. I also believe that his trade value is negligible!

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I don't know what the end result is, but they definitely need to shut him down. I don't think there's a lot of trade value right now either, but there are teams that still like him, at least as of this weekend, so I wouldn't count out a trade even if I don't think it's nearly as likely as it was a couple months ago.

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Really too bad about Singer tanking here at the end. I had high hopes they'd be able to turn him around for a couple solid building blocks, but now it looks like there choices are to, at best, trade him for another player with "potential" who's having similar problems living up to it and might benefit from a change of scenery or to hope they can fix him and maybe get an unreliable middle/back of the rotation pitcher out of him, still (or hope he can return to decent and trade him before the deadline next year, I guess).

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I think they could still trade him, but the return certainly won't be what it would have been had he kept up what he was doing through mid-August. Short of a team somehow still offering full freight for him, I think the smart move is to see if you can't get him back on track for three months and shop him in earnest next summer. There's risk in that because if he is hurt, maybe the value goes from low to zero, but I think it's worth the risk.

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A lot of your issues of players decline sounds like things the staff should be seeing and fixing. Porter looks much better behind the plate than Fermin. Knows how to frame a ball and got calls in the tight strike zone. Witts struggles may be that there is no threat behind him in the order. Is Perez part of this teams future or not, the best he is going to be anywhere is a part time DH. Melendez is never going to get better than a mediocre player both offensively or defensively unless he gets a opportunity with another team

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Respectfully disagree with a couple of your points. Fermin is actually running middle of the pack at baseballsavant on pitch framing. They can work on that in the off-season (Salvy actually has shown improvement on that this year after working on).

I definitely had my concerns about MJ and his flukey hitting, but he has shown us glimpses that he still can hit. His fielding has significantly improved over the season and that was a big ask after never playing of. I think he will make big strides in his fielding in the off season, so I am betting his hitting will improve when he has less to worry about.

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That second game was a hard pill to swallow, even though we won in the end. I couldn’t watch the late innings because I was so sure we’d blow it, between Carlos and Clarke. Lyles is just ... wow. He can look so good for so long, but when the wheels come off, over the cliff we go.

This is a small, non-baseball thing, but Ryan Lefebvre was driving me nuts last night. I realize it’s easy to pick someone apart when they’re speaking hundreds of thousands of words per night and it was a VERY long day, but he must have said “two walks and a hit batter” at least 6 times when there were two HBP and a walk in the first. He called Deivi Garcia by absolutely the wrong name when he came out and told us Luis Robert was a big threat in the 9th because he had 35 RBI (not 35 homers).

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I noticed the Garcia and Robert part but didn’t notice the HBP and walks thing. Yeah, Ryan gets on my nerves sometimes for other reasons but I don’t know why he can’t correct himself. I know there’s a producer in his ear telling him he misspoke. And that happens! Just correct yourself!

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Agree completely there is no need for Singer to pitch anymore this year. I’m struggling to stay positive with the Royals today actually. Singer with a 90-91 mph is nothing more than a 5 era guy back of the rotation piece. As a guy who I’ve never seen change in his entire time…good, bad, or indifferent, he has to change if he wants to survive at 91. I’m not saying it’s anyone’s fault, but I’m just saying it sure seems like another missed opportunity to get help back if the Reds or whoever actually were interested. Hernandez has apparently decided he doesn’t want to pitch exactly after the all star break, Singer looks terrible. I really do hope it is just injury. But the average fastball being down this year is a big, big problem. I’m not saying he can’t get it back (Ragans has proven you can yet at 26 or so) but he isn’t getting any younger and is supposed to be in his pitching prime right now. IDK, today is a struggle to see the bright spots.

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I'm working on getting some confirmation on this and may never because of the way trades work, but I'll say what I've heard about the Reds interest is that you'd be happy they didn't trade him for what was discussed. He does look awful and needs to figure out some answers. If he's 93-95, he can be an answer. If he's 90-92, he's Jordan Lyles, who is, well, not an answer for anyone. He needs to do something he hasn't proven to be able to do in the past and that's make big adjustments. I wouldn't bet on it, but I was almost entirely out on him after 2021 and we saw what he did last year, so we'll see I guess.

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yeah, its certainly possible the Reds were offering crap. I was completely in the camp of no wrong answer with Singer just a few weeks ago. But man, if he is injured or lost the velocity that changes that thinking quick. Still time to get it right…but something to look at going into next year now.

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Yeah, I mean he needs to figure something out. I haven't looked at arbitration comps, but I'd imagine he'll still get a raise just because of the way the system works, so I don't know what he'll cost. It still won't be too much and they have plenty of payroll space no matter what their budget is, but we could be looking at a non-tender candidate this time next year if things don't change. That's kind of crazy.

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I hadn't even thought about the fact that someone was probably telling him to correct himself. He actually did correct himself one time in the middle innings, but then later on went right back to claiming the Royals were gifted two walks and a HBP in the first. It probably irritated more than it should have because of the situation, though. I wonder what the stats are on giving up a 9-run lead in the middle innings (whether teams usually win or lose after that).

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Author

I don't know what the stats are, but I'll say that based on the odds, it's pretty flukey. If you think about it, even giving up nine runs is unlikely. Since the start of the 162-game season, only the 1996 Tigers and 1999 Rockies have given up nine or more runs more than 40 times in a season. Only 32 teams in those 61 seasons (including 2023, excluding 2020) have given up nine or more runs 33 times, which is 20% of a 162-game season. That means 1,606 teams have given up nine or more runs less than 20% of the time. I don't want to get too deep into this, but the odds of giving up nine alone are pretty slim and to do it on a day when you score nine seem even slimmer. When something is that rare, it's generally mostly a fluke.

Hell, the Royals themselves were down 8-1 against the team with the best record in the AL earlier this year and ended up taking a lead.

Doesn't make it any less annoying and doesn't make announcer issues any less frustrating during the annoying game though!

Edit: Okay, got too curious. Since 1962 (and including 2020), there have been 3,507 games where both teams scored nine or more runs. That's out of 262,000+ games. So yeah, pretty rare. I know this isn't even remotely what you were hoping to get, but I go down rabbit holes. It's what I do.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by David Lesky

Like your thought of seeing new guys over Singer. I am really only tuning in now and enduring the pain so I can see 1)what the new guys can do and 2) if Bobby can get 30-50. It was fun to see Porter get some hits and agree with Greg that it looked like he may be decent at pitch framing

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