You know, I have to wonder whether Barlow's struggles near the end of his time in KC were brought on by the psychological effect of "not knowing." He "didn't know" where he was going, he "didn't know" when (well, he kinda did, but not exactly), and he "didn't know" how well he was going to perform. He's ONLY known the Royals at the major-league level, and I'm sure there was some anxiety.

Maybe I'm crazy--scratch that; there's no DOUBT that I'm crazy--but he is human, after all.

I'd be almost giddy to see a rotation with Burnes and/or Urquidy in it. Heck, I'd love to see Ryan Yarbrough back. He gave the Royals exactly what was expected of him in '23, and I have no reason to believe that he couldn't do it again in '24 and maybe longer. In a perfect world, he'd be a great number-four starter (translate to "Royalsese": number-two), and in any world, he'd get them one step closer to putting Jordan L. in the bullpen.

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I would be pretty surprised if that *didn't* impact him. It's not easy. One of the biggest things I learned from getting to be in the clubhouse for the first time during the 2014 season was that these are just people playing baseball. A fight at home or a sick relative impacts them the same way it does us and I think there's an expectation (mostly due to how much they're paid) to just go to work and not let it impact them, but it doesn't always work that way. So yeah, I think that's a fair question to ask with him.

Burnes is obviously my favorite favorite, but he's unlikely. I love the idea of Urquidy and Yarbrough certainly helps.

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I’d actually take Bieber as well. I know the stuff is down. But he will adapt well enough. He may not be an ace anymore but him in the middle of a rotation will absolutely play. Burnes, sure but I think that is a pipe dream. Lol.

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Oh I'd take Bieber without a doubt. I don't know if the whole in-division trade tax still exists, but the Royals have outfielders and the Guardians need them, so...

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Bieber has been a favorite of mine for a while. They get him, you see the biggest Bieber apologist out there. Dude just knows pitching a lot like Greinke.

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He does. He'd be an excellent pickup even if it's just for a year.

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I've always thought the concept of getting traded is one of the weirder things about the game. I work for a bank, & I can't imagine getting called into my bosses office one day to hear :

"We're making a change."

"I'm getting fired?"

"No...you just have to go work for the bank across town now."

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You're working for the wrong companies if you're not getting traded.

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Hmmmm, What is interesting is that I think I’d take almost everyone of the players on this list. LOL, they are all upgrades to what we have now. Some I like more than others. I actually think Keller with some tweaks could be better than he was last year. I’d actually be ok with Blackburn our Houser. I don’t think they would be particularly expensive and I think they would be better than what we have in house. Clarke Schmidt would be a win. His numbers would be better out of the AL East I would think. He’d be a good middle of the rotation get. I guess when the pitching is as bad as it was this year. Pretty much every name is going to be an improvement.

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Yeah, there's not a lot that wouldn't help when you need two or three starters and literally 10 relievers. But hey, there are guys out there to help!

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By "Keller," you mean Mitch and not Brad, correct?

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You know what. I take everything back. I meant Mitch….but just the fact that they are that close. Please no. Just move on Royals.

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But, I’ve seen the Rays take a middling Pirates starting pitcher and turn him into something. I actually think the Royals could take Mitch Keller and turn him into a solid 2-3 type starter. Who knows. I just know the Pirates don’t know anything about pitching either.

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I had such high hopes for Brad. He started so well. Something has just happened. Is "thoracic outlet syndrome" actually the culprit, or is it something a little bit higher on the body? Either way, I wish him well and I hope he gets it together and kicks major butt somewhere.

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From having talked with Brad just a few times early in his career, I don't get the impression that the mental side of the game is an issue for him. I think it's all (or at least mostly) about the injury.

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Well, then hopefully that's fixable, although I'm sensing that the recovery of ability after this TOS surgery seems hit-and-miss at the best. He is still only 28, so he should still have several good years ahead of him--"IF."

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Yeah, that surgery is one that I would count on never seeing him pitch again. If he does, great, but it's a career killer for so many.

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Why move on? They've already got Keller jerseys. It's an easy move.

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So maybe it’s just me. But I don’t know that I want Barlow back. And it’s not the money, and he’s a plenty good reliever yet. But it’s just the whole we need to move on. His time had come and I don’t want to bring back players from a 106 loss team if that makes sense. Was it his fault, no, but he also wasn’t particularly good at the end. Maybe it is the frustration of not moving him sooner. Or seeing the end wasn’t very good. IDK, I’m not a big fan of a reunion there.

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I think if your reasoning is that his decreased velocity leads to more volatile results or that he simply wasn't that good at the end, sure. But if you believe there's more in the tank for him, the bullpen needs good pitchers and if he's still a good pitcher, I don't care that he was a part of bad Royals teams.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by David Lesky

Please bring back Yarbrough!

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Royals fan for sure (and no answer), but the future is never Glorious to view until it gets here. I remember in 2014 and everyone came out to see us on last day--Standing the whole time. Those days

are glorious to view, but remember they are getting paid too to beat us....

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